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郭乔月 青年PI



郭乔月副研究员、青年PI、博士生导师。主要从事中枢神经-骨调控、骨与能量代谢调控、骨关节炎发病机制等方面研究。于Nature Communications,Advanced Science,Bone Research,Cell Metabolism等期刊发表共发表SCI论文12篇,其中第一(含通讯)作者4篇。论文引用500余次,单篇最高引用100余次。曾获国家资助博士后研究人员计划(B档)。


2024.08-至今 澳门新葡萄新京威尼斯123(新葡萄娱乐官网版游戏987)副研究员、青年PI、博士生导师

2019.02-2023.09 Johns Hopkins University 联合培养博士、博士后

2016.09-2024.06 中南大学湘雅医院 内科学 博士

2010.09-2015.07 天津医科大学 临床医学 学士




1. Guo QY #, Chen NR, Qian C, Qi C, Noller K, Wan M, Liu X, Zhang W, Cahan P, Cao X*. Sympathetic Innervation Regulates Osteocyte-Mediated Cortical Bone Resorption during Lactation[J]. Advanced science, 2023, 10(18): 2207602.

2. Guo QY #, Chen NR, Patel K, Wan M, Zheng JY, Cao X*. Unloading-Induced Skeletal Interoception Alters Hypothalamic Signaling to Promote Bone Loss and Fat Metabolism[J]. Advanced science, 2023, 10(35): 2305042.

3. Guo QY #, Guo Q, Xiao Y, Li CJ, Huang Y, Luo XH*. Regulation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell fate by long non-coding RNA[J]. Bone, 2020, 141: 115617.

4. Zhen GH #, Guo QY, Li YS, Wu CL, Zhu SA, Wang RM, Guo X. E, Kim B. C, Huang J, Hu YZ, Dan Y, Wan M, Ha T, An S, Cao X*. Mechanical stress determines the configuration of TGFβ activation in articular cartilage[J]. Nature communications, 2021, 12(1): 1706.

5. Zhou RY #, Guo QY #, Xiao Y, Guo Q, Huang Y, Li CJ, Luo XH*. (2021). Endocrine role of bone in the regulation of energy metabolism[J]. Bone research, 2021, 9(1): 25.

6. Liu XN #, Chai Y #, Liu GQ, Su WP, Guo QY, Lv X, Gao PS, Yu B, Ferbeyre G, Cao X, Wan, M*. Osteoclasts protect bone blood vessels against senescence through the angiogenin/plexin-B2 axis[J]. Nature communications, 2021, 12(1): 1832.

7. Sun Q #, Zhen GH, Li T. P, Guo QY, Li YS, Su WP, Xue P, Wang X, Wan, M, Guan Y, Dong XZ, Li SH, Cai, M, Cao X*. Parathyroid hormone attenuates osteoarthritis pain by remodeling subchondral bone in mice[J]. eLife, 2021, 10: e66532.

8. Zhen GH #, Dan Y #, Wang RM, Dou C, Guo QY, Zarr M, Liu L N, Chen LP, Deng RX, Li YS, Shao ZW, Cao X*.An antibody against Siglec-15 promotes bone formation and fracture healing by increasing TRAP+ mononuclear cells and PDGF-BB secretion[J].Bone research, 2021, 9(1): 47.

9. Tu ML #, Yang M #, Yu NX, Zhen GH, Wan M, Liu WL, Ji BC, Ma HR, Guo QY, Tong PJ, Cao L*, Luo, XH*, Cao, X*. (2019). Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 activity in subchondral bone modifies a subtype of osteoarthritis[J]. Bone research, 2019, 7: 29.

10. Liu XM #, Gu YR, Kumar S, Amin S, Guo QY, Wang JK, Fang C.L, Cao X, Wan M*. Oxylipin-PPARγ-initiated adipocyte senescence propagates secondary senescence in the bone marrow[J]. Cell metabolism, 2023, 35(4): 667–684.e6.

11. Liu XN #, Guo QY, Wang L, Gu YR, Meng, SX, Gu Y, Yu B*. Metformin attenuates high-fat diet induced metabolic syndrome related osteoarthritis through inhibition of prostaglandins[J]. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 2023, 11: 1184524.

12. Leser J. M #, Torre O. M, Gould N. R, Guo QY, Buck H. V, Kodama J, Otsuru S, Stains J. P*. Osteoblast-lineage calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase 2 delta and gamma regulates bone mass and quality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America[J], 2023,120(47): e230449120.

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