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作者:admin 阅读量: 更新时间:2008-08-21


在奥运知识问答环节之后,进行文艺表演。一首激情飞扬的《超越梦想》歌曲,拉开了文艺表演的序幕。我校留学生积极参与,表演了许多节目:AHMED FARAN表演了题为“History of Olympic ”(奥运历史)的英语演讲;肖嵩老师表演了精彩的吉它弹唱;FAHAD MAHMOOD表演了精彩的巴基斯坦舞蹈,热烈动感的节奏调动了现场,场下的外国友人跟着一起跳了起来;ANUM YAMEEN 和FAHAD 合唱了一首优美抒情的巴基斯坦歌曲;最后,我校留学生的压轴表演将晚会推上了高潮——这是专门为此联欢晚会精心编排的巴基斯坦传统舞蹈《棍子舞》,只见ZOHA TOUSEEF,SHEHRBANO AZMAT和MEHWISH 三位美丽的巴基斯坦女生穿着漂亮的“莎丽”翩翩起舞,动感的旋律,优美的舞姿,充分展示了穆斯林特有的文化艺术,精彩的表演赢得了观众的阵阵掌声。
整个联欢晚会场面十分热烈,节目丰富多彩,诸多外国友人及我校留学生和老师热情参与,他们将最美好的祝愿献给北京奥运,因为大家心中都有一个共同的信念:One World One Dream!
AHMED FARAN 英语演讲《奥运历史》
FAHAD MAHMOOD表演精彩的巴基斯坦舞蹈
International Students in the Gala Party of Foreign Friends
in Haikou to Welcome the Beijing Olympics
In the wake of the “Islamic Culture and Religion” colloquium, which was sponsored by the International Exchange Division of Foreign & Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hainan Province on July 17th, and led by Xiao Song, participated by teachers Jiang DongMei, Dong Dongdong and 8 foreign students. In order to celebrate the Olympic Games in Beijng and carry forward the Olympic Spirit, a new activity : “Think Olympics, Talk Haikou”party was held on Aug 2nd, at the Huan Dao Tide Hotel, which was led by the vice-director of School of International Education, Yi Cong and participated by teachers Xiao Song, Dong Dongdong & 12 foreign students.
The party was ushered in at 18:30 by the thanks-giving and well-wishing speech of Han Bin, Director of the Foreign & Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, and government official Wang Yuxia. In anticipation of the consummation of the Beijing Olympic Games, enthusiastic applauses were resounding in the ceremony hall full of overseas friends. In the Olympic Quiz that followed, comperes raised plenty of questions through lotteries, one of our International students had triggered the right answer and won the lucky trophy.
After the quiz and Buffet diner, colorful performances, which were almost dominated by our students, came to the stage. Along with the inspiring song Dreams Beyond, an elf singer and dancing girl of a Philippine band made her fiery show, then our student AHMED FARAN made a speech on the legends of Olympics, Mr. Xiao Song’s Guitar Song elicited screams, FAHAD MAHMOOD’s Pakistan style dance rocked all audience, ANUM YAMEEN and FAHAD’s dual song instilled us with poetic, exquisite feelings. The climax of the performance was the group work of Pakistan traditional Stick Dance, ZOHA TOUSEEFSHEHRBANO AZMAT and MEHWISH had won the hearts and claps of all with their gorgeous traditional costume, their elegant steps, tender rhythm and beautiful postures, which were endowed with specific Islamic flavor.
The entire process of the party was permeated with the fervor and enthusiasm of all foreign and Chinese friends, whose best wishes were conveyed to the common faith of the spirit of Beijing Olympics: One World One Dream!