
作者: 编辑:基础学院-李丽花 发布时间:2023-12-25 阅读量:




1996年9月至2001年7月,就读于宁夏医科大学              临床医学专业,获学士学位




李跃萍 中国解剖学会微课教学比赛二等奖,获奖日期2021年11月1日,颁奖机构:中国解剖学会

李跃萍 获全国高校(医学类)微课教学比赛三等奖 2018年3月 颁奖机构:高校医学教学研究

李跃萍  中国解剖学会举办的第二届全国解剖学教学大赛三等奖 2018年1月 颁奖机构:中国解剖学会

李跃萍  海南省解剖学会微课大赛一等奖 2016年12月 颁奖机构:海南省解剖学会




2008年海南省自然科学基金(No. 30866)三种超低温冻存方法对卵巢组织发育及激素分泌影响的比较研究 主持人 已结题

2015年海南省自然科学基金(NO20158323) apoCIII联合脂肪细胞因子家族对妊娠期糖尿病早期预测的实验研究 主持人 已结题

2014海口市重点科技计划(NO2014063) 妊娠期妇女血清载脂蛋白 CⅢ、脂肪细胞因子水平变化及其与妊娠期糖尿病发病的相关性研究 主持人 已结题


(1) Yan Q, Li Y, Yan J, et al. Effects of luteolin on regulatory proteins and enzymes for myocyte calcium circulation in hypothermic preserved rat heart[J]. Exp Ther Med, 2018,15(2):1433-1441. (通讯作者)

(2) 李跃萍, 闫庆峰, 胡春霞, 吴小妹, 金松. 阿司匹林联合低分子肝素治疗重度子痫前期的疗效评价. 重庆医学. 2017; 46(21):2965-2967.(核心)

(3) 李跃萍, 闫庆峰, 吴小妹等. 中孕早期血清载脂蛋白CⅢ、脂联素及瘦素联合年龄对妊娠期糖尿病的预测研究. 实用妇产科杂志. 2016; 32(11):839-842.(核心)

(4) 李跃萍,齐亚灵,钟南田,张彦慧,洪灯.3D可视化教学资源在组织胚胎学教学中的应用[J].中国教育技术装备,2017(20):60-61.

(5) 李跃萍,闫庆峰,王华民.医学留学生教育模式的探索与革新[J].西北医学教育,2016,24(01):135-137.

齐亚灵、赵文杰主编 李跃萍等副主编《组织学与胚胎学》 科学出版社 ISBN:978-7-03-050461-6 出版时间:2017年1月。



2007年12月至今 在澳门新葡萄新京威尼斯123工作

2007年12月至2011年12月 讲师

2012年1月至2017年12年  副教授

2018.01至今               教授





中国解剖学会会员 2015年至今





Full Name: Yueping LI  (李跃萍)        

Gender: Female        

Nationality: Chinese

Place of Birth: Ningxia, P.R. China

Work Experience:

December 2007- present

Hainan Medical University

Haikou, Hainan, P.R. China


Duties: Work as teaching and research in Histology & Embryology


September 2004- November 2007

Reproduction Medicine Research Center

Xi'an Jiaotong University,Shanxi, Xi’an,P.R. China

Degree:PhD in histology and embryology

September 2001 – July 2004

Histology and embryology Department

Ningxia Medical University, Ningxia, Yinchuan, P.R. China

Degree:Master of Science (MSc) in Histology and embryology Department

Subjects: Study on ovary cryopreservation and endocrine function recovery.

September 1996 – June 2001

Department of clinical medicine

Ningxia Medical University, Ningxia, Yinchuan, P.R. China

Degree: Bachelor degree in Medicine

Teaching and scientific research:

More than 20 academic papers have been published, including SCI and domestic authoritative journals, and 4 papers on educational reform have been published.

Representative thesis: (recent years)

1.Yan Q, Li Y, Yan J, et al. Effects of luteolin on regulatory proteins and enzymes for myocyte calcium circulation in hypothermic preserved rat heart[J]. Exp Ther Med, 2018,15(2):1433-1441.(Corresponding author)

2.Li Yueping, Yan Qingfeng, Hu Chunxia, Wu Xiaomei, Jin Song Evaluation of the efficacy of aspirin combined with low molecular weight heparin in the treatment of severe preeclampsia[J]. Chongqing Medicine 2017; 46 (21): 2965-2967. (Chinese )

3.Li Yueping, Yan Qingfeng, Wu Xiaomei, etc The prediction of serum apolipoprotein C Ⅲ, adiponectin and leptin on gestational diabetes in the first trimester[J]. Journal of Practical Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; 32 (11): 839-842. (Chinese )

4.Li Yueping, Qi Yaling, Zhong Nantian, Zhang Yanhui, Hong Deng. The application of 3D visual teaching resources in the teaching of histology and embryology [J]. China Educational Technology and Equipment, 2017 (20): 60-61.(Chinese )

5.Li Yueping, Yan Qingfeng, Wang Huamin. Exploration and innovation of the education model for medical overseas students [J]. Northwest Medical Education, 2016,24 (01): 135-137. (Chinese )

Honorary titles and awards:

1. Li Yueping won the second prize in the national college (medical) Microlecture teaching competition. In March 2018, the awarding institution: college medical teaching research (electronic version)

2. Li Yueping won the second prize of the National Anatomy Teaching Contest held by the Chinese Anatomy Association in December 2021.

3. Li Yueping won the first prize in the Microlecture competition held by Hainan Anatomy Association in December 2016